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Siderplast S.A.
—The official website of the Siderplast S.A. company, including both the e‑commerce website and the ERP, completely made by myself.

Biome Fighters
—1v1 online multiplayer platform fighter video game prototype with a retro aesthetic, where there are more than just two platforms and every corner is an opportunity for the victory. It …

The Last Shock
—My last (as the name suggests) remake of Jueguito Piola, a speedrun platformer with dash ability and a light ray behind you. In this version, I re-made the sprites, movement …

English Vocabulary
—Mobile app made for Spanish speaking users learning English to help them save the words they don't know, so the can practice the vocabulary and easily access the translation, image …

Sudoku app
Desktop application to play 9 × 9 and 4 × 4 sudokus. The program generates them randomly and removes some numbers based in the chosen difficulty. It saves the answer if the …

Stock trend (NASDAQ index companies)
Desktop application I made to learn dynamic web scraping with Selenium.
Through the GUI, which has filters to search, you choose the company you want. If you want Apple, for …

Jueguito Piola
Mobile platformer video game prototype where you have to beat the levels as fast as possible, not only to set the best time but also because there is a light …

Spaceship game
Casual mobile video game I created with the instruction that a friend of mine gave me to create a satisfying game. It's quite simple: an endless game with a spaceship …

Stickman Epic
Prototype of a platformer video game where players create their own platforms by drawing them with the mouse.