
Who am I?

My name is Nicolás Pujia, and I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2007.

More than just a software developer, I consider myself a nonconformist person who believes that we can always improve, both ourselves and the world around us, and software development is the bridge I use to materialize that belief.

I don't like to label myself as a <framework or programming language> developer, because what matters most is the ability to think logically and solve problems, not the tool. However, if I had to choose, I would say that my primary focus is on Python, as it is the language I am most comfortable with and have used the most.

My journey

Since mid-2020, I've been immersed in this catchy world of programming, developing projects on my own. I started by making any kind of stuff with Python, including simple video games, web scraping tools, automation scripts, mobile and desktop applications, and more. I also learned Godot because I was interested in making mobile games.

Later, at the end of 2022 and during 2023, I learned to Flutter, to create high-performance mobile applications (unlike Python ones). At the same time, I started using Git & GitHub to keep a better track of my projects. When using Flutter, I was able to create apps and video games which I ended up publishing to the Google Play Store.

At the end 2023 and the beginning of 2024, I experimented with networking technologies (including protocols, authentication, cryptography, ports, IP addresses, peers, and more) in order to create an online multi-platform, multiplayer video game. I developed the prototype, set it aside, and a few months later, I was called to participate in BackdropBuild v3 because they had found my project interesting.

In 2024, I got my first "real project", with a real company and real money involved. Because it was a full-stack web application, I had to learn a backend technology, so I got on my way of specializing with Django at the same time I was developing the project.

Beyond programming

Outside of software development, I really enjoy playing football ⚽ and engaging in other sports, such as running and cycling.